Nasyid Untuk Gaza Flotilla

بسم الله الر حمن الر حيم

Nasyid berbahasa Inggris oleh  Asadullah Alshishani berjudul "When the Jew's Blood Reds my Knife, then my Life is Free from Strife"

  Penghargaan untuk 
Aktivis kemanusiaan Palestina 
Yang syahid, terluka dan yang dipenjara ditangan Zionis

Semoga Allah menerima saudara kita yang gugur sebagai syuhada
Semoga Allah menyembuhkan saudara kita yang terluka
Semoga Allah memepercepat pembebasan saudara kita yang dipenjara serta meringankan penderitaan mereka
Semoga Allah mengutuk dan menghancurkan Zionis dan sekutunya

"When the Jew's Blood Reds my Knife, then my Life is Free from Strife"

Singing / Asadullah Alshishani
Lyrics / Asadullah Alshishani

When the Jew's blood reds my knife
Then my life is free from strife

Hiding behind rocks and trees
I'll find them with greatest ease
Make them get down on their knees
Slaughter them despite their pleas

Throw them in the ovens hot
Soap and lampshades sold and bought
Made of the Jews that we shot
Mercy's something I have not

With the bomb and machinegun
Blast at them and watch them run
We will have a lot of fun
Shoot and kill Jews one by one

Rise up, O Salahuddin
Great and brave Mujahideen
Like the Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
For the Love of Filistine

At Al Aqsa we shall meet
After Israel's defeat
Their dead bodies at our feet
Taste of victory is sweet

Jerusalem is calling me
Asadullah Alshishani
Jihad's where you're meant to be
Come and set the captives free

..:: DOWNLOAD MP3 ::..

Saudara kalian 
Asadullah Alshishani

Ansar Aljihad Network 

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2 Responses to Nasyid Untuk Gaza Flotilla

  1. amyoies says:

    great.....izin download mas...
    langsung ke tkp :P

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